Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Clarification (Austin Egan)

I should clarify that a number of the jokes in the post about the allegory of the Well- the thanking of loyal readers - those jokes were inspired by/stolen from Austin Egan, he of Philadelphia and Delaware.

Especially the pillow-fondling joke. And the "by __ I mean ___." And by "cock" I mean "roast beef sandwich" ... etc. That was also a favorite of his. I believe most of those can be traced back to William Ferrell.

Ah I've started a new blog, a better, more consistent one, for all my loyal readers out there. All one of you (me) ... don't forget to go to


Sunday, October 19, 2008

No one will get this (haiku)

Our Flat 65
Dodgy, raucous, beloved.
Swedish singers (live).

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Well has Dried Up

Well this is it, folks. I'd like to thank all you loyal readers out there who've been religiously following this blog since its inception. After pouring out my brain (ideas), heart (emotions) and soul ( ), the time we've all feared has finally come: it's time to hang up my spikes, call it a day, throw in the towel, and hit the sack. Literally. And by sack I mean ball sack. And by ball sack I mean sack of balls. And by balls I mean testicles. And by testicles I mean basketballs. Spalding.

Believe you me, I have no illusions about the gravity of what I'm doing. Your lies may be empty and meaningless without my consistently brilliant musings and observations, but tough nuts. That's life. I have nothing more to give. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a pillow to fondle.

A Not-So-Auspicious Beginning

This is the third blog I've created (the previous two are on life support) - maybe the third time will be the charm, as the wise wankers say. Wait, unless this is actually the fourth blog, in which case it may not be so charmed.